What You Need to Know-Week of June 20th
The most important weekly updates for you to keep your community healthy

In this Update:
1. Urgent Updates: COVID-19 Metric
2. Wellness Tip: Gratitude
1. Urgent Updates: COVID-19 Metrics
See breakdown of vaccination by Arizona counties
See updated vaccine information and data in Arizona
2. Wellness Tip: Gratitude
During times of hardship it is more important than ever to take time to be aware of and express gratitude and appreciation in order to improve our mental wellbeing and resilience. Here are some ideas to implement gratitude practice into your everydautine!
- Start a gratitude journal by writing something each day that you are grateful for. If you need help getting started, use a search engine like Google to locate many websites and apps to provide suggestions and prompts.
- Be aware of the small kindnesses and thoughtful gestures of people around you and let others know you have noticed by acknowledging their actions. This can be simple: a wave, a thumbs up, a smile, a thank you. For important people in your life, take a little extra time to tell them what you have noticed and exactly how it helped you.
- Appreciate your own strengths, resilience, hard work, or kindness. Think of times in the past when life was hard, maybe even the worst moments of your life, and take a moment to appreciate the strength it took for you to make it through. Maybe even reflect on what you learned and how you grew from that challenge. Give yourself credit and acknowledgement, because you deserve it.
If you would like to learn more about this and other topics related to COVID-19 in Arizona, please complete next week’s AZCOVIDTXT survey that you will receive via text in about a week.